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The DBMS_STATS package has several procedures that let you collect data at different levels. The main data collection procedures for database table and index data are as follows: GATHER_DATABASE_STATISTICS gathers statistics for all objects in the database. GATHER_SCHEMA_STATISTICS gathers statistics for an entire schema. GATHER_TABLE_STATISTICS gathers statistics for a table and its indexes. GATHER_INDEX_STATISTICS gathers statistics for an index. Let s use the DBMS_STATS package to collect statistics first for a schema, and then for an individual table. Collecting statistics at the schema level: SQL> EXECUTE DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS (ownname => 'hr'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> Collecting statistics at the table level: SQL> EXECUTE DBMS_STATS.GATHER_TABLE_STATS ('hr','employees'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>

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The GATHER_DATABASE_STATISTICS procedure collects Optimizer statistics for the entire database. This is probably the most common way of using the DBMS_STATS package, as you can use this procedure to collect statistics for all database objects with a single statement. Here s an example: SQL> EXECUTE dbms_stats.gather_database_stats (> ESTIMATE_PERCENT => NULL, > METHOD_OPT => 'AUTO', > GRANULARITY => 'ALL', > CASCADE => 'TRUE',> OPTIONS => 'GATHER AUTO'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>

Although you can use the ESTIMATE_PERCENT attribute to collect Optimizer statistics for a sample ranging Tip from 0.000001 to 100 percent of the rows in a table, you should strive to collect statistics for all the rows (by using null as the value for this attribute). Collecting statistics based on a sample is fraught with dangers. Unless the tables are so huge that you can t collect all statistics within your maintenance window, strive to collect full statistics on all objects, especially those that have heavy DML changes.

Let me explain the preceding GATHER_DATABASE_STATS procedure briefly here: The example shows only some of the various attributes or parameters that you can specify. You can see the complete list of attributes by typing in this command: SQL> DESCRIBE DBMS_STATS.GATHER_DATABASE_STATS If you don t specify any of the attributes, Oracle uses the default values for those attributes. Even when I use a default value, I list the attribute here, for exposition purposes. The ESTIMATE_PERCENT attribute refers to the percentage of rows that should be used to estimate the statistics. I chose null as the value. Null here, contrary to intuition, means that Oracle collects statistics based on all rows in a table. This is the same as using the COMPUTE STATISTICS option in the traditional ANALYZE command. The default for this attribute is to let Oracle estimate the sample size for each object, using the DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE procedure. You can use the METHOD_OPT attribute to specify several things, including whether histograms should be collected. Here, I chose AUTO. This means Oracle will collect histograms based on the distribution of column data and the workload of the columns. The GRANULARITY attribute applies only to tables. The ALL value collects statistics for subpartitions, partitions, and global statistics for all tables. The CASCADE=>YES option specifies that statistics be gathered on all indexes, along with the table statistics. The OPTIONS attribute is critical. The most important values for this attribute are as follows: GATHER gathers statistics for all objects, regardless of whether they have stale or fresh statistics. GATHER_AUTO collects statistics for only those objects that Oracle deems necessary. GATHER_EMPTY collects statistics only for objects without statistics. GATHER_AUTO results in collection of statistics for only stale objects, the determination as to the object staleness being made by checking the DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS view.

The ROLLBACK statement undoes, or rolls back, the changes made by SQL statements within a transaction, so long as you didn t already commit the transaction. Once you issue the ROLLBACK statement, none of the changes made to the tables by SQL statements since the transaction began are recorded to the database permanently. You can roll back an entire transaction by rolling back all

Since static initonly fields are resolved when the code that uses the field is JIT-compiled, it is not necessary to specify the value of a static initonly field at build time. However, the

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